------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Debian Project http://www.debian.org/ New cdbuilder server improves Debian infrastructure press< at >debian.org March 3rd, 2010 http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100316 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New cdbuilder server improves Debian infrastructure Today, the Debian project administrators are activating a new cdbuilder server. The server computes the official Debian ISO images once all software packages are ready for a new Debian release. While the old system needed 20 hours to build the ISOs, the new server needs less than two hours for the same job. Debian users download ISO images and burn them on CD or DVD to create their Debian installation media. "Building ISO images in a fast way is a critical task for every Debian release. Once all the packages are ready, everyone is waiting for the new ISO images to become available. With over 25.0