New Paper Available Today: State of KVM


ova logoOver the last decade, virtualization has drastically transformed the way software and services are provisioned and delivered. Coupled with open source hypervisors like Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM), these technologies have given way to amazing innovations in cloud computing, storage and more. The introduction of container technologies like Docker are also surfacing new opportunities as well as introducing new complexities, like any new technology.

According to IDC, more than 80 percent of new server shipments are virtualized a number that will increase to 88 percent by 2017. With a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 42 percent over the last three years, KVM is among the fastest growing hypervisors. With open virtualization and KVM as key elements of many of today’s server shipments and with new technologies, the time is right to more deeply understand the state of development and the opportunities for KVM users.

The Linux Foundation’s Collaborative Project Open Virtualization Alliance has sponsored a paper written by research firm IDC titled “KVM: Open Source Virtualization for the Enterprise and OpenStack Clouds.” It outlines the state of open virtualization and key opportunities for the KVM hypervisor.

This is the first such paper of its kind and includes important sections that cover the following:

– A KVM primer that describes the hypervisor and its role.

– How Virtual Machines (VMs) and containers stack up to each other. The paper defines both the VM and container technology and helps users understand where each is best optimized.

– Keys for KVM success in the market, including a look at KVM management, training and documentation, the hardware and software ecosystem and the role of KVM in OpenStack.  

– KVM opportunities and challenges. The paper points to management and cloud software, OpenStack adoption and Linux’s success in the server market as opportunities for the hypervisor. Potential challenges cited in the paper include strong incumbents in the hypervisor space, as well as continuing to grow the hardware and software ecosystem.

To download the full paper for more detail, please visit the Open Virtualization Alliance website. 

KVM Forum is happening this week with LinuxCon and CloudOpen Europe, so if you’re interested in learning even more about where KVM is today and where it’s headed, please drop by.