Not Going to Ohio Linux Fest Despite It Rocking Hard

Article Source jonobacon@home
August 10, 2009, 5:06 pm

Last year I keynoted Ohio Linux Fest. For a number of years I had been building up to going along, but every time I was set to make plans another commitment got in the way of going. I talked about this in my new book:

Like many folks, I have had the good fortune and opportunity to do my fair share of travel to conferences as part of my work. As a result, I have been able to experience many of the conferences I once dreamed of attending, but there were still some I never quite had a chance to get to.

One such show was Ohio Linux Fest, a mid-sized community-run conference devoted to all things Linux and open source. I had always heard great things about the show from a member of my team and members of the community, but for some reason the Fates always conspired against me and I was busy every time the show was scheduled: I was either traveling, in meetings, on vacation, or otherwise unable to get out to Ohio. Back in early 2008, though, I received an email about the show inviting me to speak. Knowing full well that something was going to get in the way at some point in the future, I slam-dunked the dates into my calendar with a little note next to them:


I responded to the email expressing interest, and the organizers kindly offered me the keynote speech. Somewhat flattered at the invitation, I happily accepted.

I wish I had done the same this year. I was all set to go along but unfortunately I am not going to be able to attend. This is not because it is anything less than an awesome show, in fact it is in my list of shows that I prioritize to get along to each year, but unfortunately circumstances mean that I am busy that weekend.

So instead I just wanted to encourage you good people to go along. It is well thought out, well structured, has great content, great exhibitors, and with the exception of one of the organizers mis-intentionally planting a boot in the wedding vegetables, I had a fun and productive time at the show.

So, go here to check it out and be in Ohio on from 25th – 27th Sep. Rock and roll!