OBS MeeGo Developer Meeting

OBS Developers from MeeGo project visited the SUSE OBS Developers in Nürnberg on friday and saturday. Not everybody managed to come due to the ash over europe, but at least
  • Anas Nashif from Intel
  • Alexander(Sasha) Kanevskiy from Nokia
  • Martin Mohring from Linux Foundation
  • Jan-Simon Möller from Linux Foundation
  • Andreas Jaeger from Novell/SUSE
  • Michael Schröder from Novell/SUSE
  • Adrian Schröter from Novell/SUSE

spoke about a lot of features and wanted design changes in OBS. The MeeGo project uses OBS to create their packages and products in similar setup and with needs as openSUSE. In short this is having multiple code streams, which are used to create multiple products, which require maintenance updates and QA validations. This give us plenty areas of collaboration and makes us hoping to drive OBS in a good direction for all of us.

The features which have been declared as relevant for MeeGo are currently collected in fate together with all other OBS features.

You can find detailed meeting minutes in the mailing list archive.