ODF Alliance Grows, Shares Good News from Malaysia

Andy Updegrove writes “The ODF Alliance issued a press release containing further good news yesterday, providing a good excuse to check in at their Website to see how that organization is doing. The answer appears to be rather nicely, thank you, with membership standing at “nealry 280,” representing 43 countries according to the press release. A recent addition to the membership rolls is the City of Bristol, which earlier this year announced its adoption of Sun’s ODF-compliant StarOffice for its c. 5,500 municipal employee desktops. That’s a handsome increase since their last press release on that topic on April 18 (138 members then) , or when the Alliance was first launched, on March 3, 2006, with just 36 members. The other piece of news in the press release is confirmation of an earlier report at the Open Malaysia Website that Malaysia is on its way to approving and recommending ODF for use by public employees.”

Link: ConsortiumInfo.org