Open Source Summit EU Registration Deadline, Sept. 22, Register Now to Save $150


You have TWO days left to save $150 on your ticket to Open Source Summit Europe & ELC + OpenIoT Summit Europe.

Grab your ticket and build your schedule today! Choose from 300+ sessionsdeep-dive labs, and tutorials; discover new projects & technologies in the Technical Showcase, and make new connections at the Attendee Reception, and in the Speed Networking & Mentoring Event, Developer Lounges, and Hallway Tracks.

Register now, and join 2,000+ open source professionals to collaborate, share information, and learn about cutting-edge open source technologies.

The discount ends Saturday, September 22.

Sign up to receive updates on Open Source Summit Europe: 


Registration includes access to Open Source Summit Europe and ELC + OpenIoT Summit Europe!

This article originally appeared at The Linux Foundation