OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: Madhu Venugopal


Madhu Venugopal

OpenDaylight is an open source project and open to all. Developers can contribute at the individual level just like any other open source project. This blog series highlights the people who are collaborating to create the future of SDN and NFV.

Madhu Venugopal is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat Inc. He is currently involved in Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Virtualization solutions in the Office of the CTO at Red Hat. Prior to Red Hat, he worked for Cisco Systems for more than a decade. During his time at Cisco Systems, he worked on various networking technologies: SDN, protocol development, distributed forwarding architectures, multiple generations of forwarding ASICs, network optimizations for video applications and virtualization. He is very passionate about open source software, helping develop other community contributors and believes strongly in the fact that open source software will define the standards of tomorrow. He is on Twitter at @MadhuVenugopal.

How did you get involved with OpenDaylight? What is your background?

I am fortunate to have been part of the Cisco Team from day one that researched and developed the Cisco ONE Controller. Early in the OpenDaylight project, Colin Dixon and David Erickson created a proposal for the main controller that merged code from Cisco ONE and another controller. I am extremely proud and humbled for being one of the earliest committers and contributors to this project that has the potential to redefine networking for next-generation applications and networks.

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