OpenSUSE Board Election 2012


This years openSUSE Election Committee is in the pleasant position to announce the 2012 Board elections[0].

The timeline we decided for this year election is the following:
openSUSE ballot
November 13th (Phase 0)
– Announcement of the openSUSE Board election for 2012.
– Start of 2 week period to apply for an openSUSE membership (in order to vote).
– Start of 2 week phase to stand for a position in the openSUSE Board.

November 27th
– Notification of intent to run, and application for an openSUSE membership close (end of phase 0).

November 28th (Phase 1)
– Start of 1 week campaign for the candidates before the ballots open (campaign might be done until ballots close)…

Read more at openSUSE News