OPNFV – Our First 90 Days


In 2014, the widespread interest in creating a platform for Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) was evident across all sectors. NFV is moving out of the labs and into the field. A recent study by Infonetics predicts that the SDN and NFV markets are expected to exceed $11 billion by 2018. We’re excited to see the industry embrace open source as the way to bring NFV to market faster.

The OPNFV Project was launched at the end of September with the intention of creating an open source reference platform for NFV. The number and diversity of the member companies supporting the project is a validation of the high level of hope on open source as the preferred delivery method for a de facto standard NFV platform. Since the launch, the OPNFV community has been growing steadily with the addition of five new member companies bringing the total to 44.

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