ORNL’s Jaguar Poised to Get Speedy Upgrade

Article Source insideHPC
June 10, 2009, 2:50 am

According to Frank Munger’s blog, Oak Ridge National Lab’s Jaguar supercomputer is poised to get a series upgrade.  The XT5 supercomputer, currently ranked second on the Top500 list, will upgrade its core processors to the latest AMD 6-core Istanbul from its current quad core powerplant.  Jeff Nichols, ORNL’s interim associate lab director for scientific computing, said the new silicon are expected to arrive later this summer and bump performance to “well over 2 petaflops.”

The big question is how much science are we going to get out of it, and that is the ultimate driver– to get the most science that we can for the Department of Energy’s Office of Science,” Nichols said…