Parsix GNU/Linux 3.0r0-TEST-3 Has Been Released

Article Source Parsix

The third testing release of Parsix GNU/Linux 3.0 aka `Kev` is ready to immediate download. Parsix Kev brings a vast amount of new features like: GNOME 2.26.3, brand new kernel based on Linux with extra patches and drivers, updated installer system that supports separate /home partition, ext4 file system and GRUB 2, NetworkManager is finally default networking stack, AuFS and UnionFS support, SquashFS+Lzma compression for live-CD and lots of updated packages like GNU Iceweasel 3.5.3, GParted 0.4.6, Pidgin 2.6.2 and 3.1.1, Compiz-Fusion 0.8.2 etc. We are looking forward to release the final version next week, so please do your best to test and report any problems you see. Due to vast amount of changes and new default features in this version, its highly recommended to do a CD-ROM update mode installation…

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