The People Who Support Linux: Tushar Kute Brings Linux OS to India’s Sandip Institute


Over the past three years, Tushar Kute has converted from an occasional Linux user to a Linux evangelist.

Tushar Kute

The native of Pune, India, encountered Linux for the first time as an engineering student, running it as an occasional alternative to Windows. But he didn’t fully embrace it as an operating system until he began teaching microprocessors and operating systems as a graduate student and assistant professor at the Sandip Institute of Technology & Research Centre in Nashik, India.

Going straight into the educational sector after graduating from college meant Kute didn’t gain the real-world experience that comes from working in the industry, he said. Converting to Linux has helped him get hands on with research and development and greatly increased his understanding of computer systems.

“I got inspired by various Linux & Open source developers & users. As it follows my ideology that, `Windows of knowledge are wide and open!” said Kute, via email. “I am passionate about programming and especially, C Programming! Linux has given me everything that I wanted in programming. As Linux is (an) open source operating system, I can study everything about a computer that I want to know.”

A Linux Evangelist

He wants to give his own students the same empowering experience and has convinced the university to slowly begin adjusting its curriculum. Within two years, Kute has helped transform the Information Technology department from a proprietary and Windows-based curriculum to one based largely on Linux and open source.

“Our students get approached & involved in Linux and all kinds of open source software,” Kute said. “They got a good platform for research & development (and) I am happy about their efforts & progress.”

To support his efforts, Kute started the Sandip Information Technology Research Collaboration, an online community for students to blog about their projects and breakthroughs on Linux. And next year he hopes to start a citywide Linux users group in Nashik, India to hold workshops and seminars.

He’s now working on his graduate thesis, “machine learning techniques to improve Linux process scheduling,” based on an IEEE paper written by professors at University of Hyderabad, India.

In addition to pursuing his masters degree in engineering and computer science, Kute is developing an online exam for testing students’ knowledge of the Linux operating system that will replace the university’s current Windows-only test.

New Member

He joined The Linux Foundation as an individual supporter to stay up-to-date on developments in the industry. His hope is to someday publish Linux trade journals in India and attend a LinuxCon in his home country.

“I know that India is not much aware about the use of Linux as like western countries,” he writes. “You have provided lots of benefits to me as an individual member but it is not possible for me to take advantage of (them) all!”