Plug Into Your Favorite RSS Feed


Managing your RSS feeds, once a novelty, has become a task you need to perform almost monthly, as you find interesting new feeds on a daily basis.

There are various tips to handling multiple RSS feeds, including the most common trick of organizing your feeds into prioritized folders or groups (depending on what metaphor your RSS reader is using). Create “Must Read,” “Get to This Week,” and “Recreational” groups or something similar, and shuffle your feeds around into these groups. That way you can eat the elephant one bit at a time and not feel overloaded when you see that 1000+ entry number in your reader’s status field.

Why the basic advice on RSS organization? Partly as a friendly reminder, and partly because you’re going to want to have your feeds organized when you pull in your favorite RSS feeds, now posted on our new RSS Feeds page.

It should be noted that these feeds are not new; most of them have been available on the site for quite some time, in either RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0 syndicated form. But, until now, these feeds were not listed all in once place, just tagged with the RSS icon in the URL field of your favorite browser. Responding to reader requests, and having recently created a new feed for original content, we have put together this master RSS feed page.

There are feeds of every type in this list. There’s the all-content feed, for those who want to see everything, which is balanced with the original-content feed that displays the articles and tutorials found only on If you like to follow the Featured Blogs from Jim Zemlin, Linus Torvalds, and other Linux Foundation staffers, there’s a feed for that; as well as a feed for the Community Blogs and for the popular Distribution Blogs.

If you are only interested in specific aspects of the Linux ecosystem, likely there is a feed for you. Every category from Software to Hardware to Enterprise has a seperate feed. The subcategories also have their own feeds, so you can follow very specific arenas, such as Mobile Linux or Linux Security.

By providing this list, we hope to make it even easier to plug into for all of the latest info and analysis about all things Linux.