Prominent FreeBSD developer arrested over bizarre revenge scheme


Author: JT Smith

From the San Francisco Chronicle article:
“Software engineer Kip Macy, 33, and real estate agent Nicole Macy, 32, who have addresses in Sausalito and Incline Village, Nev., were arrested Tuesday and charged with felony stalking, felony residential burglary, conspiracy and other counts in the bizarre case of apparent landlord rage. They posted bail after their arrest and could not be reached for comment Wednesday.”Kip Macy is a prominent FreeBSD developer. He was the only developer of the Xen virtualization system for some years and is the current lead on porting FreeBSD to the Sun UltraSparc T1 platform. He also mentored a number of young people in the Google “Summer of Code” competitions.

The FreeBSD scene is buzzing. Some of them refuse to believe this is the same guy; yet it is….don’t be surprised if you see this on the Inquirer or Register tomorrow. This is like the Hans Reiser trial, people simply refuse to believe that a “prominent open-source software developer” can do such crazy things.



  • BSD