Provision Bare Metal Servers for OpenStack with Ironic


The day-to-day life of a developer can change drastically from one moment to the next, particularly if one is working on open source projects. Intel Cloud Software Senior Developer Ruby Loo spends her days working on the bare metal provisioning software OpenStack Ironic, which is software that allows OpenStack to provision bare metal servers, as one of its Core members.

While Loo is employed by Intel, the bulk of her daily interactions are based in the upstream open source community. As patches come in, Loo reviews them alongside other Core members, ensuring that OpenStack Ironics feature priorities are met. In todays episode of The New Stack Makers recorded at OpenStack Summit Barcelona, Loo sat down with TNS Founder Alex Williams to explore more about her background, the daily tasks of an OpenStack Core project member and active open source community participant, and whats next for OpenStack Ironic.

Read more at The New Stack