Puget Sound Technology offering security workshop

Heather Reed writes “Puget Sound Technology will be teaching an introduction to Linux and BSD security workshop on Monday, April 22, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Everett, Wash. This workshop will share several techniques and concepts for improving and maintaining Linux and BSD system security, including security updates, file integrity checking, remote and local scanning for vulnerabilities, how to clean up unneeded services and securing required services, and more.

The Linux and BSD technical support and training company is
offering these seminars and workshops to introduce Linux and BSD and to
provide practical training for busy information technology professionals.
Puget Sound Technology trains users new to open source and Unix and also
experienced administrators.

Their other upcoming workshops will cover:
Hosting Websites with Apache; Configuring and Troubleshooting Domain
Name (DNS) Services; Introduction to Linux, BSD and Open Source;
Exploring the KDE Graphical Environment; Linux Kernel Configurations;
and Installing BSD.

Seating is limited. For further details and to register, visit
http://www.pugetsoundtechnology.com/training/works hops/.

About Puget Sound Technology

Puget Sound Technology provides technical support, outsourcing
solutions, server maintenance contracts, and training services
for Linux, BSD and open source Unix environments.
To learn more about the Washington state company, visit
(Puget Sound Technology will have a booth at LinuxFest 2002 on April
20 in Bellingham, Wash.)


  • Linux