Puget Sound Technology teaching Apache Workshop in Everett, Wash

An Anonymous Reader writes “Puget Sound Technology’s next workshop covers beginning web server
administration. The class will be on Thursday, June 6, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30
p.m., in Everett, Wash. This workshop will teach the basics of
installing, configuring and maintaining the Apache HTTP Server for
hosting websites. The training also covers common run-time configuration
directives, analyzing traffic logs, and techniques for setting up
virtual hosting and password-protected webpages.

The Linux and BSD technical support and training company is offering
these seminars and workshops to introduce Linux and BSD and to provide
practical training for busy information technology professionals. Puget
Sound Technology’s other upcoming workshops will cover: Configuring and
Troubleshooting Domain Name (DNS) Services; Introduction to Linux, BSD
and Open Source; Exploring the KDE Graphical Environment; Linux Kernel
Configurations; and Installing BSD.

Seating is limited. For further details and to register, visit
http://www.pugetsoundtechnology.com/training/works hops/.

About Puget Sound Technology

Puget Sound Technology is an IT technical support, consulting,
training, and outsourcing company that specializes in BSD,
Linux, free software and open source solutions. Located in
the north Seattle, Wash. area, Puget Sound Technology provides
professional planning and designing, implementation, operations,
training, and maintenance services for computer systems and
networks. For more information, please visit