Putting Ops Back in DevOps


What Agile means to your typical operations staff member is, “More junk coming faster that I will get blamed for when it breaks.” There always is tension between development and operations when something goes south. Developers are sure the code worked on their machine; therefore, if it does not work in some other environment, operations must have changed something that made it break. Operations sees the same code perform differently on the same machine with the same config, which means if something broke, the most recent change must have caused it … i.e. the code did it. The finger-pointing squabbles are epic (no pun intended). So how do we get Ops folks interested in DevOps without promising them only a quantum order of magnitude more problems—and delivered faster?

Ops has an extended role in understanding what lives underneath the abstraction layer that lives on top. Over time, only Ops will understand these particulars. They will become the only in-house experts about which cloud provider to use, which sets of physical hardware performs best and under what conditions.

Read more  at DevOps.com