Q&A: Does Blockchain Alleviate Security Concerns or Create New Challenges?


According to some, blockchain is one of the hottest and most intriguing technologies currently in the market. Similar to the rising of the internet, blockchain could potentially disrupt multiple industries, including financial services. This Thursday, October 19 at Sibos in Toronto, Hyperledger’s Security Maven Dave Huseby will be moderating a panel “Does Blockchain technology alleviate security concerns or create new challenges?” During this session, experts will explore whether the shared nature of blockchain helps or hinders security.

We developed a Q&A with Dave to go over some security questions related to blockchain in advance of the panel. Let’s get to it!

What are the cybersecurity concerns that you are noticing today? 

Integrating with existing systems, cryptographic key material management,  and providing the required network quality of service connecting blockchain members are the greatest cyber-security concerns I am noticing today.  Any organization applying blockchain technology to an existing process almost certainly has existing systems that chaincode/smart contracts will have to interact with.  

Read more at Hyperledger