Author: JT Smith
Organized in Rome, under the patronage of the European Commission, the QualiPSo 2008 conference will bring together international authorities and experts on OSS trends, reveal the first results of research carried out by the QualiPSo consortium, and be a forum for debate about the drivers for encouraging trust in OSS. It will approach Open Source from three complementary angles: political, economical and technological, covering:
Business models and strategies in OSS
Legal issues in Open Source
Trustworthiness of OSS products and processes
Interoperability in the area of Open Source
Networks of OSS Competence Centers
Next-generation software forges.
“More than ever, major industry and government players today consider Open Source as part of their strategic IT sourcing portfolio,” declared Stefano De Panfilis, Chairman of the QualiPSo consortium. “Nevertheless, there is still some reluctance about widespread adoption of OSS, mainly due to lack of confidence. The ‘grey areas’ of OSS that cause major concerns to industry are mainly focused on legal and quality aspects, and business issues. A first in the industry, this two-day conference will focus on the solutions to these challenges.”
Founded by a heavyweight group of ICT industry players, SMEs, governments and academic institutions across Europe, Brazil and China, QualiPSo is an international consortium that aims to help industries and governments define and implement the technologies, processes and policies that facilitate the development and use of Open Source Software components with the same level of trust traditionally offered by proprietary software.
The conference will enable IT executives, public sector bodies, policy makers, software project managers, IT architects and OSS community members to assess the opportunities for adopting OSS as part of IT strategies; reach out to professionals involved in OSS; and share experiences about OSS. It will also enable attendees to get involved in the definition of next-generation tools and process addressing trust factors in OSS. Last but not least, it will announce the creation and launch of OSS Competence Centers designed to help industry adopt OSS worldwide.
About QualiPSo
QualiPSo is a unique alliance of European, Brazilian and Chinese ICT industry players, SMEs, governments and academics, designed to help industries and governments fuel innovation and competitiveness with Open Source software. To meet that goal, the QualiPSo consortium intends to define and implement the technologies, processes and policies to facilitate the development and use of Open Source software components, with the same level of trust traditionally offered by proprietary software. QualiPSo is the largest ever Open Source initiative funded by the European Commission, and is funded under EU¿s sixth framework program (FP6), as part of the Information Society Technologies (IST) initiative. QualiPSo has been launched in synergy with European technology initiatives such as NESSI and Artemis.
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