Real-Time Kernel Upgraded

Article Source LinuxDevices
June 12, 2009, 12:35 pm

The Open Source Automation Development Lab (OSADL) released a “latest stable” real-time Linux kernel based on Linux 2.6.29, and has merged its threaded interrupt real-time code into the Linux 2.6.30 mainline. The OSADL also announced its Real Time Linux Workshop (RTLWS11), to be held in Dresden, Germany, on Sep. 28-30.

The OSADL recently expanded to over 30 members, with the acceptance of Intel, Protonic, Sercos, and Sysgo. The industry group aims to standardize and promote Linux support for automation technologies. Earlier this year, the group integrated the Real-Time Linux Foundation (RTLF) within the OSADL, and then released a “latest stable” Linux 2.6.26 real-time kernel with PREEMPT_RT patches stabilized with the mainline Linux 2.6.26 kernel. The release was said to achieve latency as low as 39 microseconds…