Red Hat’s 2013 Will Center on Hybrid Cloud Services–and Support


It’s the time of year when many writers and analysts are considering what lies ahead for leading technologies in the next 12 months, and Jim Whitehurst, Red Hat’s often-quoted CEO, offered up his views on the matter in a State of the Union blog post in late December. It’s worth reading, and not just for Whitehurst’s views on where Red Hat is going. Among other things, Whitehurst remains adamant that in cloud computing–where Red Hat is placing a big bet on OpenStack and other emerging technologies–hybrid clouds will win.

“We have an all star customer list that features 80 percent of the global Fortune 500,” notes Whitehurst in his State of the Union post. Not everyone realizes that Red Hat–focused primarily on Linux–has such pull with elite companies. In 2013, though, Red Hat is making a big bet on cloud computing and has already released a preview edition of its OpenStack solution. 

According to Whitehurst’s post…Read more at Ostatic