Red Hatters Build Lantern of Food for Charity


If you think Red Hat is just about Linux, then you’re mistaken. Red Hat is quite active locally sponsoring various activities and educational programs trying to give back to the community which has embraced it so enthusiastically. Most recently Red Hat employees built a 10-foot lantern for charity during CANstruction, a local event held to benefit food banks.

Canstruction is a non-profit organization that hosts events to construct large structures made entirely out of cans of food. After all the pomp and circumstance, the cans are donated to local food banks to be distributed in emergency food programs. Companies collect the building blocks and compete against other companies for the coveted prize of declared winner. Through these events Canstruction “has contributed over 17.5 million pounds of food to community food banks demonstrating that we can win the fight against hunger.”


More pictures can be seen at Facebook.


The large lantern will remain on display at Red Hat headquarters until August 23 when it will be dismantled and the cans donated to the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. The lantern consists of 6,000 cans of food and bottles of Gatorade. While Red Hat didn’t win the competition, it did take one of the two honorable mentions awarded.

Read more at Ostatic