The Rise of the Helpful Operational Bots: ChatOps


Over the last number of years, the idea of a conversational interface to technology has entered the mainstream conscience. As is often the case, many of the ideas that get neatly packaged up into consumer facing technology have been knocking around for a long time, and conversational interfaces are no different. For the rise of conversational bots, we need to step back a little and think about bots in general, and in particular their most common manifestation in technology teams – that of ChatOps.

While some of the concepts surrounding ChatOps has been around for a long time, it is fair to say that the idea only really began to get traction within technical communities when Jesse Newland gave a talk on ChatOps at Github during  PuppetConf 2012. Since 2012 we have seen a growth in interest in the new use of bots within operations.

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