Author: JT Smith
LinuxJournal examines what it calls the “unreal world” of Open Source netcasting. “Last night I sat on the roof while wearing my winter headphones (the warm and beautiful Sony MDR-CD780s) and tuning down a long list of faraway radio signals. I started with KFJC, KPIG, RadioParadise and SmoothJazz, which are headquartered in California, where I live. Then I went to WUNC out of Chapel Hill, North Carolina and WCPE from nearby Raleigh. Then I moved across the waters to Radio FG from Paris, URGent (“De Gentse Studentenradio”), Beiruit Nights and a bunch of other stuff from who knows where: Radio Free Klezmer, Radiostorm Hip-Hop/R&B, BassDrive, Chemlab, Cyberspace Sonata, KI EuroDance and other stuff from Digitally Imported Radio, Factory188 and FlareSOUND.”