Samsung’s Latest Models Could Signal Boosted Focus on Chromebooks


How focused has Samsung recently become on Chromebooks–portable computers that run Google’s cloud-centric Chrome OS? According to a recent report in DigiTimes, after cutting its targets for notebook computer sales, the company may have plans to “no longer launch conventional notebook models except Chromebooks in 2015, according to Taiwan-based supply chain makers.” Back in October 2012, we were reporting on how Samsung was going all in on inexpensive Chromebooks. The company has steadily offered under-$300 models, and gotten good reviews for them.

This week, though, Samsung revealed higher-end plans for Chromebooks that look, well, pretty attractive. The company launched the Chromebook 2, with a powerful ARM processor and the option of a full HD screen. The processor inside is a speedy 2.1-GHz Exynos 5 octa-core processor, and these Chromebooks come with the same faux-leather backing that some Samsung phablets have.

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