Signs of the Times

William Nett writes “When one considers the Job Market for IT personnel, there are key points to look at for opportunities, one of the first is local IT conventions and seminars. It’s not just who’s who… but rather who can afford a booth (only $5,000 for silver sponsors). If the recent attendance of San Diego’s O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference was any indication of the state of the industry, then its still in trouble.

The number of exhibitors was definitely down from previous years, and the content was nothing much to talk about. What once filled areas such as the Taj Mahal now fills up a dot bomb lunch room. That’s pretty sad when you consider the fact that San Diego is the sixth largest city in the US. The only company considering recruiting recruiting was Google… and good luck to them considering that they are in the Bay Area (thanks to Mae West). I think there’s still a sign posted at the city limits warning IT personnel that the bay area was akin to the La Brea tar pits for IT professionals. However, Google is looking for Linux professionals for those of you are who concerned.”



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