Slackware 10.0-RC1

Patrick Volkerding released Slackware 10-RC1 today. It includes the
latest 2.4.26 kernel, Gnome 2.6.1+, KDE 3.2.3, GCC 3.4, XOrg 6.7 and
more. A test kernel 2.6.6 option is offered via the “testing” tree.
Slackware does not offer ISOs for the RCs (however there are some
third party users that compile the RCs or the -Current tree regularly
as ISOs), so if you are already running Slackware 9.1, you can use the
excellent Swaret to upgrade to the latest packages (make sure you edit
your /etc/swaret.conf prior of using swaret to allow for kernel
upgrades and other options).



  • Linux