SLUG: Volunteers needed for upcoming computer conference


Author: JT Smith

From LinuxPR: “The Suncoast Linux Users Group aka S.L.U.G. needs your help. We have been
invited to do another show at the Computer and Technologies Showcase in
Tampa, Florida on October 17th and 18th. We have had great success in the past
at the shows. How ever due to many Linux based businesses having to cut back
on LUG support because of the market, we have not been to successful in getting
enough promo items and speakers for this show. With Limited supplies of promo
items it will last just for a few hours.

If anyone can help out with supplying promo Items such as Open Download distro
copies of RedHat , Mandrake , Turbo,Slackware, Debian, Progeny, etc,. stickers,
hats, misc, it would help to make a great show.

This also could be a good time for our Lugs to pull together and form a Alliance.
Perhaps we could call it the Florida Linux Alliance or F.L.A. for short?”