Sonar Project Wants to Bring Linux to Everyone




Linux is a natural platform for “blind and low vision people …people who struggle with dyslexia and learning disabilities as well as accessibility for people with low motor skills and quadriplegics.” Jonathan Nadeau, Free software developer and activist, wants to build a completely accessible Linux distribution, and has launched an IndieGoGo campaign to fund it.

The potential userbase is huge. Not only will this appeal to the billion-plus fellow travelers on the planet who have some kind of disability, but to anyone who wants the power and convenience of computing that works with all kinds of inputs and outputs, and who doesn’t want to be limited to keyboards and mice.

There are a lot of accessible bits and pieces in Linux-land, but the only distribution I know of that aims for accessibility out of the box is Vinux, and it targets mainly vision-impaired and blind users. Want to make your mark on Free software and make the world a little bit better? Consider supporting Sonar. The Sonar IndieGoGo campaign ends Wednesday Feb. 20, so don’t wait.