Start Your UDS Blueprint Registering Engines

Article Source jonobacon@home
November 3, 2009, 5:26 pm

In a few weeks the Ubuntu Developer Summit kicks off in Dallas. There will be discussing a wide range of topics across seven tracks: community, kernel, desktop, qa, foundations, mobile and server.

We are about to begin scheduling sessions, and I just wanted to invite those of you who are attendting to propose a sessions for the event. Before you do anything you must go to and click the Register yourself link to mark yourself as attending the event.

To register a blueprint follow these steps:

  1. Go to and click the Register a Blueprint button.
  2. Enter all the Blueprint information and using the Propose for sprint combo box, select uds-l.
  3. In the Blueprint summary screen click the Subscribe link and if you consider yourself absolutely required to attend the session, select the Participation essential checkbox.

When you have done this we platform managers will see the blueprint in the scheduling system and we are ready to roll.

Please try to get all blueprints registered ASAP.