Stormix Linux company shuts down


Author: JT Smith

It’s been previously reported, but the Stormix Web site confirms that the maker of the Storm Linux distribution and a handful of other Linux products has shut down. “Dear Visitor, Thank you very much for your interest in Stormix Technologies Inc. We regret to announce that in light of the weakness in the financial markets we are unable to secure
additional funding for our company.”The announcement continues: “Accordingly, despite our technological achievements, Stormix has suspended its operations and has gone
into ‘hibernation’ mode.

“Since all of Stormix’s employees are regrettably laid off, we can no longer offer support.

We would like to thank our Customers, Suppliers, Investors, Employees, Partners, Friends and Supporters. In contrast to our current position, we would like to express the following wish —

“Long live the Open Source Movement, Linux and Debian.”

We hope our paths will cross in the future.

The Stormix Team.”


  • Linux