Sysadmin tales: Take a look back at an old school IT prank


Sysadmin tales: Take a look back at an old school IT prank

In the Age of IT Innocence, things and practical jokes were much simpler. Take five minutes to kick it “old school” with this stone age prank.
Rick Greene
Wed, 10/28/2020 at 3:13am


“Apple IIe, Living Computer Museum & Labs, Seattle” by mattk1979 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Set your Wayback Machine to the early ’80s. Disco was dead and gone, pop rock was making waves, and consumer computers were available enough that some schools started figuring out that teaching computers was something they should do.

My school was one of those—the lovely Manheim Township High School in Neffsville, PA. A classroom was repurposed as a computer lab, as the prior computer area was barely larger than a closet and only had four terminals connected to some type of “miniframe” computer, with one Apple II computer on a rolling cart.

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