Taming the Rate of Change


Change frequency is an indicator of time to create business value. In order to create value in a given amount of time, you need to be able to release your code a certain number of times and learn from those changes. The less frequently you release, the longer it can take to create value. Increase in rate of change shows that you’re reducing the time to create value, thus increasing team performance. Conversely, low change frequency indicates high time to create value and low team performance.

As the 2018 State of DevOps report says,

Those that develop and deliver quickly are better able to experiment with ways to increase customer adoption and satisfaction, pivot when necessary, and keep up with compliance and regulatory demands.

However, change frequency alone is not a sufficient measure of team performance. As the same State of DevOps report aptly captures, production stability is an equally important measure of team performance. What good is high change frequency if the production environment is falling apart often for long periods of time? 

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