‘Thanks for Using Containers!’ … Said No CEO Ever


“We think we’re going to get magical powers when we use other people’s servers,” said Casey West, Principal Technologist for Pivotals Cloud Foundry platform, during his OSCON Europe talk, in which he provided a humorous, and insightful look  at how the CEO sees, or doesn’t see or honestly doesn’t care about  the vast majority of the work that IT professional do in cloud.

IT pros work across pretty much every industry these days. But the expectations are largely the same across all of them, no matter if the projects they work on are “greenfield projects” designed to break into new areas of business, or “brownfield projects,” which is a nice way of saying you are updating legacy systems.

With greenfield systems, all you have to do is create something from thin air and compete with billion dollar companies. No big deal.” The requirements are basically twofold: All you have to do is…

  • Deliver faster than everyone else.
  • Never make a mistake.

With brownfield systems, All you have to do is modernize an existing application that makes all our revenue in order to compete with companies theoretically valued at a billion dollars.” No big deal. Oh and…

  • Deliver faster than everyone else.
  • Never make a mistake.

Read more at The New Stack