Releases Version 2.0 of Rekall RAD DBMS Tool for Linux and Windows

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA – 25 June 2003 — is pleased to
announce the 2.0 release of Rekall, a personal, programmable DBMS system
for Linux and Windows. Rekall is the only viable alternative to MS Access
for Linux. With Rekall you will be able to quickly and easily build
database applications using Rekall forms and reports. A full complement of
widgets means that applications built in Rekall will be able to have the
look and feel of any other application. Rekall applications can be extended
in their functionality to perform virtually any task via embedded Python as
a scripting language.

Ever since the release of dBase many years ago, the idea of a programmable
DBMS has become increasingly popular. Major systems have been written in
applications like Paradox and MS Access. By focusing on the database, users
are able to leverage their business knowledge into working applications.
One of the limitations of the aforementioned products is that their native
database didn’t scale well or support multiple users very well. Rekall
avoids this problem by dispensing with a native database.

The biggest addition to Rekall 2.0.0 is reusable components. Rekall now
comes with a selection of components that you can use in forms; these
include standard buttons and navigation tools.

In addition to these components, you can also construct your own for use as
often as you want. You can store your components either in the database
itself, or in a local area in the file system.

To support reusable components, and to make it easier to script complicated
forms, Rekall 2.0.0 introduces an Event/Slot mechanism (akin to Qt’s
Signal/Slot mechanism). This allows to place all script code which is

logically associated with a particular control inside that control, and
means you can copy or delete the control without worrying about copying or
cleaning up script code inside other controls.

Other new features in Rekall 2.0.0 include:

* Static images can by displayed in forms
* Data controls can appear in menu-blocks
* Spin box control
* Link controls can display multiple colums
* Link controls can use Queries as well as tables
* Event logger for debugging
* Raw SQL window for direct SQL execution
* Forms, Reports, etc. can run modally
* Fast table filters for predefined table data display
* Modal forms can be used as dialog boxes
* Explanation of queries generated by Rekall
* Menu and toolbar hiding
* MySQL and PostgreSQL connections over SSH tunnels (Linux only)

In addition, Rekall comes with a thorough demonstration database that
illustrates the various features of the applications. There are actually
three copies of the database, one using MySQL, one PostgreSQL and one using
XBase/XBSQL. Optional drivers are currently available for DB2 and ODBC with
Oracle coming later this summer.

By purchasing Rekall you are getting the source for the application and
free electronic updates to the core application. You get all supported
platforms for one price regardless of when they are released. Rekall is
priced at $79.95 for the physical package and $69.95 for the electronic

Rekall can be purchased or free demos downloaded from

About is a California-based company with developer teams in North
America and Europe. fills a need in the Linux community for
mass-marketed, quality Linux software by producing developer tools and
desktop applications.’s products are marketed both online
and through B&M channels such as Microcenter and Fry’s Electronics.
Visit for more information.
