Thou Shalt Not Depend on Me: Analysing the Use of Outdated JavaScript Libraries on the Web


Thou shalt not depend on me: analysing the use of outdated JavaScript libraries on the web Lauinger et al., NDSS 2017

Just based on the paper title alone, if you had to guess what the situation is with outdated JavaScript libraries on the web, you’d probably guess it was pretty bad. It turns out it’s very bad indeed, and we’ve created a huge mess with nowhere near enough attention being paid to the issue. The first step towards better solutions is recognising that we have a problem, and Lauinger et al., do a tremendous job in that regard.

In this paper, we conduct the first comprehensive study of client-side JavaScript library usage and the resulting security implications across the Web. Using data from over 133K websites, we show that 37% of them include at least one library with a known vulnerability; the time lag behind the newest release of a library is measured in the order of years.

Read more at Morning Paper