Tiny Linux startup sees through HP-Dell “Recycle” scheme

A New York startup selling Linux-based thin-client management software has called foul on HP and Dell for recent efforts to fund computer recycling programs. Symbio Technologies says the computing giants stand to sell more new PCs if future diskless clients are destroyed, instead of being donated to schools or resold.

Roger Del Russo, co-founder and COO of the five-person company, said he learned of the pernicious plot in a May 19, 2004 New York Times story called “2 PC Makers Favor Bigger Recycling Roles.” “When I read how Dell and Hewlett-Packard wanted to assume more financial responsibility for recycling used computers, I couldn’t believe it. I turned to my partner, Gideon Romm, and told him, ‘They’re taking away future diskless thin clients from our system and other Linux systems. And then they sell new PC’s that become old PC’s. That’s their idea of recycling.'”

Link: DesktopLinux.com