Home Audience DevOps TNS Guide to Serverless Technologies: The Best of FaaS and BaaS

TNS Guide to Serverless Technologies: The Best of FaaS and BaaS


This post is the first of a two-part series that collects many of the technologies and services in the emergingserverless ecosystem. The installment covers providers of Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) and Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS or mBaas for mobile providers). Check back soon for part two, which will cover everything we know about serverless platforms and frameworks.

Like the terms “microservices” and “containers” before it, “serverless” is a loaded word. Countless blogs have argued about the meaning or importance.

The first, obvious statement everyone makes is that, yes, there are servers or hardware of some sort somewhere in the system. But the point of “serverless” is not that servers aren’t used; it’s just that developers and administrators do not have to think about them.

Read more at The New Stack