TNS Research: The Present State of Container Orchestration


The New Stack ran a survey that was able to target users of container management technology, with 70 percent of respondents using containers to some degree. We found that there is indeed uncertainty about what it means to manage and orchestrate containers. There is also a developing consensus that scheduling, cluster management and service discovery are necessary to orchestrate the use of containers in production.

Over 40 percent of respondents using or trialing containers said an orchestration platform was the primary way containers are managed in their organization. However, the actual products being used or planned for use were strongly influenced by a respondent’s stage of container adoption. People that have non-production use of containers were more likely to cite configuration management tools like Ansible andChef as a method of orchestration. Platforms-as-a-service (PaaS) solutions such as Red Hat OpenShift and Hashicorp products were cited more often in their roadmaps among those evaluating containers.

Read more at The New Stack