Top 10 Articles of 2016


Here are the Top 10 articles of 2016:

1. The Best Linux Distros of 2016

Categories in this annual distribution roundup included best comeback distro, most customizable, best-looking, best for privacy, and more.

2.  Best Linux Desktop Environments for 2016

A comparison of Plasma, GNOME, Unity, Cinnamon, and more.

3. How to Install and Configure Conky

Conky is a system monitor that can display information about your CPU, memory, swap, disk space, temperature, top, upload, download, system messages… the list goes on and on.

4. 5 Live Linux Desktop Distributions You Should Know

Use a live distribution to test whether Linux is right for you, or carry around a Linux distribution to use at your discretion.

5.  How to Set Up 2-Factor Authentication for Login and sudo

Set up Google Authenticator for your Linux desktop or server.

6. Bash on Windows: What Does It Mean?

Microsoft announced support for the Unix Bash shell on Windows, providing developers and administrators with an important tool for managing Unix and Linux servers.

7. How Bad Is Dirty COW?

“Dirty COW” is a serious Linux kernel vulnerability that was recently discovered to have been lurking in the code for more than nine years.

8. 10 Essential Skills for Novice, Junior and Senior SysAdmins

The skills employers are most aggressively seeking include DevOps, systems administration,  and network administration.

9. How to Install the Nextcloud Server on Ubuntu

Nextcloud has a ready-to-install open source server that offers the same functionality as ownCloud as well as a newfound focus on apps.

10. Docker Volumes and Networks with Compose

An introduction to Docker Volumes and Docker Networks, which can be specified in the YAML file describing a Compose application.