Top 5 OpenDaylight Videos From OpenStack Summit Atlanta


 Last week the OpenStack Summit in Atlanta showcased the growing integration between OpenDaylight and OpenStack. The following videos highlight some of the critical debates happening in the industry and the importance of having an open, SDN platform like OpenDaylight work with OpenStack clouds.

1. OpenDaylight Developer Panel
OpenDaylight developer panel with Dave Meyer, Kyle Mestery, Madhu Venugopal and Brent Salisbury, moderated by executive director Neela Jacques.

2. OpenStack Integration with OpenDaylight: State of the Union and Future Directions
Dave Meyer, chairman of OpenDaylight Technical Steering Committee and CTO of Brocade, discusses OpenDaylight’s first year, key learnings and the project’s roadmap for year two and beyond.


Read more at OpenDaylight Blog