Top Five Reasons to Attend Hyperledger Global Forum


In just over two months, the global Hyperledger community will gather in Basel, Switzerland, for the inaugural Hyperledger Global Forum.

With business and technical tracks filled with a diverse range of speakers – from Kiva to the Royal Bank of Canada and from Oracle to the Sovrin Foundation – there’s plenty of educating and engaging content for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge about enterprise blockchain. However, there are many other great reasons to make sure Hyperledger Global Forum is on your calendar for December 12-15, 2018. Here are five things that make this a must-attend event:


The fast-growing Hyperledger community is putting blockchain to work with PoCs and production deployments around the world. Hyperledger Global Forum is your chance to see live demos and roadmaps showing how the biggest names in financial services, healthcare, supply chain and more are integrating Hyperledger technologies for commercial, production deployments.

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