Turbolinux releases second Linux Server OS for IBM

Anonymous Reader writes “San Francisco, Calif., April 15, 2002 Turbolinux®, Inc., a worldwide leader in Linux operating environments and multi-platform software deployment and management products, today announced a Turbolinux 7 Server for IBM eServer iSeries, a fully supported Linux distribution for iSeries. This latest release is based on the leading-edge 64-bit kernel and is Turbolinux.s second distribution for iSeries. The distribution also includes IBM’s Java 1.3.1 and an ODBC driver for connectivity to OS/400’s DB2/400 database.

IBM iSeries is a popular choice with small to mid-sized businesses because it features efficiencies that make management simpler and also dramatically reduce IT costs for the thousands of companies that use the IBM eServer iSeries platform to run their businesses. With iSeries for Linux, mid-sized enterprises can take advantage of advanced IBM logical partitioning technology, a powerful server consolidation solution previously available only to IBM enterprise customers on its eServer zSeries mainframes. A single iSeries system can be partitioned to create up to 31 separate Linux servers, providing customers an easy-to-manage alternative to the high cost and complexity of server farms. Each Linux server runs in its own partition and is able to share processors, disk, tape, CD-ROM, DVD and LAN resources with the other applications running on the iSeries system.

“The partnership between Turbolinux and IBM has a history of introducing innovations that benefit customers,” said Ly-Huong Pham, CEO of Turbolinux. “With a reliable software infrastructure based on Turbolinux 7 Server and an IBM iSeries high-availability hardware infrastructure, our two companies are making cost-effective Linux deployments a reality within enterprises around the globe.”

“Our continuing relationship brings Linux into the mid-range server market and offers an integrated solution that combines the strengths of Linux and IBM OS/400,” said Kimberly Stevenson, vice president, marketing operations, iSeries at IBM. “Linux enables a new stream of e-business applications for IBM eServer iSeries, and backed by 24×7 support such as that offered by Turbolinux, provides a great solution for any mid-sized enterprise looking to get the cost and functionality benefits of Linux.”

Turbolinux first made their iSeries distribution and support available in August, 2001 beating out the competition, to the surprise of some industry watchers (Editor’s Note: August 2, 2001 Turbolinux Supports IBM eServer, Bringing Linux Support and Stability to Thousands of Mid-Sized Businesses).

Price and Availability

Turbolinux 7 Server for IBM eServer iSeries is available today. Pricing depends on the customer’s system configuration specifications, and support and service requirements. Turbolinux currently supports IBM’s G4, G5, G6, MP2000 and MP3000 systems and IBM eServer pSeries and zSeries, as well. For more information, please contact sales@turbolinux.com.

About Turbolinux

Founded in 1992, Turbolinux® Inc. is a global software company providing Linux operating environments and multi-platform software deployment and management products that allow computing assets to be quickly redefined on demand enabling true flexible processing power. Backed by some of the world’s leading technology companies, including Compaq, Dell, Fujitsu, Hitachi, IBM, Intel, NEC, Novell, Oracle, SGI and Toshiba, Turbolinux is headquartered near San Francisco with offices around the world. For more information, visit the Turbolinux Web site at http://www.turbolinux.com.”