Ubuntu App Showdown: Gallery Of Progress


Last week the Ubuntu App Showdown Contest kicked off; a competition in which you lovely people have three weeks to create an awesome app that wows the judges on functionality, presentation/integration, innovation, usefulness, and quality. Up for grabs are System76 laptops and Nokia N9 phones as well as Ubuntu t-shirts and off course…the kudos and high regard of your fellow Ubuntu friends!

With just over a week of the contest completed, we are seeing some wonderful progress reports on the contest reddit page. It is great to see the friendly and competitive spirit and people enjoying building apps on the Ubuntu platform. If you want to join you still have two solid weeks of development time to cook up something awesome. Be sure to see the contest page, the tutorial video for creating your first Ubuntu app, our upcoming video tutorials and workshops, and feel free to ask any questions you need help on.

I thought it could be fun to show some of the screenshots of progress over the last week. I look forward to seeing these apps continue to grow and mature, and others join them… :-)

Let It Flow: a fun game (if you can’t see the video, see it here!

BooruView: image viewer for Booro systems.

Quickly GTK: a graphical interface for Quickly with full HUD support.

HumanTask: a simple task manager.

Web Form-er: a visual HTML form editor.

Ubutar: sync your Ubuntu user picture with your social networking sites (if you can’t see the video, see it here!.

Modem Manager: an app to read and send SMS, send USSD requests, display modem informaion, and enable/disable modem special features

Clamour: a Clam AV powered virus scanner

ShowMyFaves: favorites manages.


Stock Quotes: stock quotes app for your desktop.

jpiiIRC: IRC client.

Houston: a desktop cloud dashboard

Read more at jonobacon@home