Ubuntu-Based Ultimate Edition 5.0 Gamers Distribution Is Out for Linux Gaming


It’s been almost three months since we last heard something from TheeMahn, the developer of the Ultimate Edition (formerly Ubuntu Ultimate Edition) operating system, a fork of Ubuntu and Linux Mint, but we’ve been tipped by one of our readers about the availability of Ultimate Edition 5.0 Gamers.

The goal of the Ultimate Edition project is to offer users a complete, out-of-the-box Ubuntu-based computer operating system for desktops, which is easy to install or upgrade with the click of a button. It usually ships with 3D effects, support for the latest Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices, and a huge collection of open-source applications.

There are several editions of Ultimate Edition that are maintained even to this day, and while Ultimate Edition 5.0 shipped last year in September, based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus), it’s time for the Ultimate Edition Gamers to get a new release. As such, we’d like to tell you all about Ultimate Edition 5.0 Gamers.

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