Ubuntu Linux 18.04.1 LTS Bionic Beaver Available for Download


Ubuntu is one of the most popular desktop Linux-based operating systems in the world, and rightfully so. It’s stable, fast, and offers a very polished user experience. Ubuntu has gotten even better recently too, since Canonical — the company that develops the distribution — switched to GNOME from the much-maligned Unity. Quite frankly, GNOME is the best overall desktop environment, but I digress.

Today, Ubuntu 18.04.1 becomes available. This is the first “point” release of 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver. It is chock full of fixes and optimizations, which some individuals and organizations have been waiting for before upgrading. You see, while some enthusiasts will install the latest and greatest immediately, others value stability — especially for business — and opt to hold off until many of the bugs are worked out.  If you are a longtime Windows user, think of it like waiting for Microsoft to release a service pack before upgrading — sort of.

“If you’re already running 18.04 LTS, and you have been updating regularly, then you will already have all of these applied and so essentially you’re already running 18.04.1 LTS.

Read more at BetaNews