As Valve Joins The Linux Foundation, Start Taking Linux Gaming Seriously


Valve has doubled down on its commitment to make Linux gaming an arena to take seriously by joining The Linux Foundation. “Joining the Linux Foundation is one of many ways Valve is investing in the advancement of Linux gaming. Through these efforts, we hope to contribute tools for developers building new experiences on Linux, compel hardware manufacturers to prioritize support for Linux, and ultimately deliver an elegant and open platform for Linux users,” said Mike Sartain of Valve. If anyone can deliver that long awaited platform its Valve, which has found much success in the gaming world on other platforms.

For some time now, there have been signs that a renaissance for Linux gaming is on the way. In October, I reported on comments from Lars Gustavsson, creative director for EA Digital Illusions CE (DICE), the Electronic Arts studio that does the Battlefield series (seen in the screenshot above). Gustavsson told Polygon  that DICE would love to delve into Linux games, and had this to say about the ever elusive “killer game:”


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