VectorLinux 5.9 – Will It Be Pandemic?

With seven stable releases of VectorLinux Standard Gold edition under their belts, the developers of VectorLinux have released the much-awaited VectorLinux 5.9 Standard Gold edition on the 21st of December 2007 to the joy of many Vectorians. Well, in case you are not aware of VectorLinux, it is another immensely popular Xfce-based Linux distribution in the GNU/Linux world. It originates from Canada and focuses on speed, stability and choice. It’s designed to run well even on low-resources compatible Intel or AMD x86 hardwares. Other than the announcement of the new release, its website, also provide many screenshots of the new VectorLinux 5.9 Standard Gold or just called VectorLinux 5.9. While you are there, you may want to check out its CD store for the Deluxe version.



  • Linux