Is Virtualization a Grassroots or a Gourmet Solution?

Article Source Linux Magazine
June 15, 2009, 2:36 pm

There are some people who think that virtualization is a passing fancy — sort of like $7.00 a cup gourmet coffee and that it isn’t worth spending money on for the short-lived pleasure that it delivers. And then there’s that bitter aftertaste — the aftertaste of money not well spent. To get past the $7.00 a cup trendiness and the bitter aftertaste of the spending associated with virtualization, you’ll need to think outside the box — the physical box, that is.

When done correctly, virtualization is a money-saving technology but has the potential to be a major financial drain. There are some pitfalls to recognize when implementing virtualization, or any new trendy, technology ‚Äî your job is to avoid them…